Problem. Keyword/keyphrase extraction is the task of automatically identifying terms (single-word or multi-word phrases) that represent the major topics covered in a document. In addition to providing a summary of the most relevant information in a document, keyphrases have successfully been used in Text Mining, Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing applications such as classification, searching, clustering or context advertisement. Due to their importance, many approaches to keyphrase extraction have been proposed in the literature along two lines of research: supervised and unsupervised.

    Keyphrase Extraction from Scholarly Documents. Intuitively, keyphrases occur at positions very close to the beginning of a document and they occur frequently. Consider the previous paragraph as an example. One representative phrase is ``keyphrase extraction.'' Notice that the phrase occurs very early (even from the title) and occurs frequently. Based on these observations, we investigate unsupervised approaches that model the entire distribution of positions for a word. To our knowledge, the position information has not been used before in unsupervised methods.

    Learning Feature Representation for Keyphrase Extraction. In the supervised line of research, KE is formulated as a classification problem, where candidate phrases are classified as either positive (i.e., keyphrases) or negative (i.e., non-keyphrases). Specifically, each candidate phrase is encoded with a set of features such as its tf-idf, position in the document or part-of-speech tag, and annotated documents with “correct” keyphrases are used to train classifiers for discriminating keyphrases from non-keyphrases. Although these features have shown to work well in practice, many of them are computed based on observations and statistical information collected from the training documents which may be less suited outside of that domain. Feature learning or representation learning is a set of techniques that allows a system to automatically discover characteristics that explain some structure underlying the data. In this project, we investigate feature learning techniques to automatically learn feature representations that can be used for the keyphrase extraction task.